Sunday, November 4, 2012

What's the expectation ?

6:48 PM 0 Comments
Today went to watch Bond movie "Skyfall".  Before going to the movie most of them suggested movie is not good and not much action.  But to me, be frank, liked it; it's not upto the usual level of all other James Bond movies, but much better than previous one.  First I thought, it's a rework from some old Bond movies itself.  At the beginning minister asks "why don't you continue the role as dead ?"; there they themselves interpreting as a retirement stuff; instead of the one they did in "You Only Live Twice", where Sean Connery died on his girlfriend's bed and coming back to work as undercovered.  Return of the Aston Martin DB5 ( I guess first used in Goldfinger ) also made it well.  But the departure of Madam M was not at its good level.  Something much better could have done.  Anyway, it's time to take over M's position by someone else as well.  Modern Q is not upto the mark; but a dialogue in the movie itself explain satisfactorily. 

     Overall movie sense good to me.  Then why others especially young generation said the movie is not good?  I think, when thinking about Bond movie most of them looking at the cuts and curves of ladies, some sex scenes and the action.  In this, first two are very much limited.  If you are coming to a movie with pre-judgement in your mind, then you failed.  Like everywhere, Bond movie keeps its patriotism in its highest level.  Now-a-days most movies wants to expose the ladies unnecessarily and that's the new generation doing everywhere.  If you look around, men covers everything and ladies try to show their best to public.  The new trends are mostly adapting from movies and this movie, I think, trying to put a control for that; which makes most of them thinks "movie is not good".  

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Linux excavations - Debian, Redhat & Maya

8:14 AM 1 Comments
     Recently, I had tried several Linux variants in my AMD laptop.  As everyone say, I too loved Ubuntu before it entering to Unity mode.  Once Unity came in picture as default, I had to look for much better flavor.  I would say, Unity is for kids to play around.  Linux is always far better than any other desktop operating system and Ubuntu plays a major role in that to bring it as more people friendly.  I tried Debian, Fedora 16, Mint Lisa & Ubuntu 12. I liked Mint 10; some how I wanted to try the latest flavor.
     Debian - This is the base platform for Ubuntu and Mint.  But Debian is powerful and I recommended if you are really interested to play harder with Linux.  Set up itself very minimal and you won't get any wireless driver support.  You have to plug in the network cable, if you want to have complete installation once the base part finished.  Everything has to manually configure.

     Ubuntu 12 - I just want to try the "improved" Unity.  So decided to install it.  But how fast it got installed, faster than this I removed.  Because there is no fall back interface as we can see in Ubuntu 11.  This is not anymore good choice for me.  Like Microsoft, Ubuntu will give you chance to upgrade your distro directly from existing one.  Ultimate decision is in your hand.

     Mint 12 ( Lisa ) - Hmm .. this was much better and even I could consider to stay on it.  But some how, I wanted to try out something else to see how other looks like.  If Ubuntu's base is Debian, Mint is a customized Ubuntu with some good features.  It's much better choice. I found its best part is, Mint do not force any user to do distro upgrade.  If you want to stay back with same distro you can as long as you wish.  Since I wanted to dirty my hand in Linux for the time being, I had again gone for another variant. 

    Fedora 16 - Do you love Red Hat?  If you do, then go for this.  Fedora 16 is much much better than its earlier releases and adopting most of Red Hat features.  You won't see default flash plugin support for firefox browsers.  You need to do manual installations.  Like this, some small amount of customizations needs to be done.  Shutdown is faster than startup.  Like this very much.

Again, my mind was not ready to stay on that flavor.  I wanted to try something new.  Heard that Maya releasing with two types of desktops; Mate and Cinnamon.  Heard that Cinnamon is already available in Mint 12, but have to manually install.  But this time, it is coming together with its new version.  So, decided to switch over again.

Maya with Cinnamon - As I have Lisa 64-bit DVD, decided to install this first and do distro upgrade.  Gone through several forums.  Everyone was warning do not attempt the distro upgrade in Mint.  I do not have any personal data, so I decided to go ahead.  Here is my procedure:

  • Modified the /etc/apt/sources.list file with Maya and Precise.  Got reference from Pastebin.  
  • Now run the command 
         # sudo apt-get update
  • Once that completed, run the distro-upgrade.
        # sudo apt-get distro-upgrade 
Sit back and relax; keep praying.  This will download and install around 1GB data.  When installation starts, you will receive few questions and have to answer so, come back after 1 or 2 hr (depends on your Internet speed) to watch the progress.
After the upgrade completed, if you wish you can try again the command to search and install any remaining update.
# sudo apt-get update
It will not ask for any re-start.  You have to do that manually to load for your Maya.  Now everything will be Maya, so pray hard.  If you have luck, if will load properly otherwise you will have some brand new "features" visible (lol).  For me, once it reached login prompt, the screen starts flashing with black and white.  I can't even see or do anything; only one option press the power button to kill it off.  I think my display driver was not installed properly or something else is wrong.  So the 3 hrs attempt was in vain.
Moral : Do not attempt to upgrade Mint from existing release to latest.  Always do fresh install.
       Now, as a good listener, I downloaded Cinnamon 64-bit DVD image and burnt.  Booted from it.  Liked the features very much than Lisa.  I would say, it is even more better than any other flavors.  Yet to discover Cinnamon features.  As a quick look I feels, I was gone back to my Windows environment with good graphical interface.  The task bar was at lower, standard icons are visible at right corner like windows, tool bars are placed in task bar etc.  Some play around with Cinnamon settings, it gone back to native Linux mode.  Tried new themes bundled with this; but my icons remains same.  I have to dig further.  There are lots of application available ( because it uses Ubuntu repositories ).  There are lot more features to explore.
If I get time, will write again with my update.  Till then, post your comments so I can improve myself. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A small view of Social Networks

1:33 PM 1 Comments
I read somewhere, the success of current social network model is because some one's eager/curiosity to look into others life.  That means people doesn't want to look at their own life instead they are eager to see what is happening on others.  At the same time they are eager to show what they have.  If we take a look at this in a different way, it is a kind of jealous.  You are jealous about what other have and not you have.  If someone shows something over the social networks, you are also trying to imitate the same thing, same way.  Especially like Facebook, if others get more "like" or "comments" you also will have that jealous grows much higher to grab attention from others.  So for that you will do anything.  Recently, I read a line in Facebook written on someone's wall and it is public; "Don't steal my food".  Actually both are siblings and staying in one house.  Why don't they talk each other? Why to expose those things, whether it is for funny or not, to public's attention?  It's all because, almost all of us are attention seekers. It's a common thing we see currently.  Whether it is between husband and wife, siblings, relatives, in office everywhere this phenomenon is there. 

     Old days, people were very much secret about their life.  They like to be known each other within their family; not to public and unknown peoples.  Now-a-days, unknown people have more importants than families and relatives.  No more secret life.  The way social network grabbed current world, someone even ready to post their last night's exotic moments with their loved ones.  No more secrets in personal life.  Everything is revealed.  No time to talk over the phone, but lot of time to chat in internet, share, buzz, comments etc.  Share your good things, not bad things. 

     What social networks brings to us?  Best ever advantage I found is, meet my old school & college mates and renew those friendship and keep those old memories. If 100 good things are exists that much bad things are exists.  Like common talk, it is easy to become a criminal and it is very hard to become a good man.  People always notices and learn the wrong side first.  The best example I would say; if you are in a new country or place, where they talk different language, unknown to you, you will first learn bad words of their language.  The same way, people simply get attracted with the bad things that spreads faster than anything in internet. 

Now a days, a lunch with friends are mostly ended up as a formality.  Many times I saw, they meet at restaurants, say hi and find their seats then starts typing in their mobiles.  They revealing where they are and with whom, the purpose etc.  When they ordered, they may even publish the order menu, items, foods etc.  Then also they don't stop this action.  They continue to be chatting with their gadgets to internet.  Not to those who are physically presented.  In fact, if  5 people met to have lunch / dinner around table, all of them might be more talkative in the internet than face-to-face.  Another day, I saw similar incident.  A family came to restaurant; they have 3 daughters.  Ordered something and while eating only parents talks each other.  None of their daughters talk.  They are very much dedicated in their gadgets; they were playing games and shouting and fighting each other like their house.  The relationship between family, friends etc are becoming very much loosly wrapped in this "social network" days.  No one have time to talk; no one have interested to listen from where they supposed to be; but they are much interested to be "posted", "shared", "liked" and "commented" from unknown peoples. 

      Social networks are good, if we use it wisely.  Otherwise it is very dangerous. Be safe, be wise, use it wisely, keep your secrets as secrets.  Look at yourself, not to others life.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


8:30 AM 1 Comments
    A big change starts from a person to a group to a community and to the nation so on.  For each and everything the factor of a change, whether it is good or bad, starts from a single person or group of people.  Let me tell you an incident here.  I was reaching to a bus stop.  There were few passengers, whom I know, standing and formed a queue and waiting for the bus.  There were some people scattered around the area.  A lady was standing little far from this place and was part of that scattered people.  After a while the queue starts growing.  This lady, slowly moved towards the line and starts to stand outside of the line, after 3rd person from the head.  Some people who came very late saw this lady stands out and starting queuing behind her.  The result there were 2 queues with single head and the opportunity to those who came first were lost.  Here, the bad manner or behavior of that lady caused the trouble.
    Another incident; a busy, crowded town.  Very hard to find parking places.  A black BMW, drove by a lady driver, was looking for parking.  Middle of the road, there is a big tree and having marking on road indicates there 2 or 3 roads joining together.  This lady went two rounds and didn't find parking, slowly moved her car to the middle of the road and parked at the sign or marking on the road.  Those who came later saw this parking, and started parking in front of that car.  What was the result.  Imagine, that unauthorized parking caused chaos and it became like a divider on the road.
    As old people or proverb says, home is the first school for each people.  But now-a-days, there is no good teacher in this school.  Either parents are afraid of their children or they let them to choose their own way to live or they do not have time to look after their children.  For everything they need a maid and children never get the parental love.  So they seek better relationship out of their home and get into troubles.  Outcome of this situation creates bad community, bad people.  When parent realized their children manners or behavior it will be too late for them to act. 
    One of the reason I could say for this situation is, run behind money.  If you read papers, these are days of scams.  Mostly what type?  Money scam.  If it is sexual scam, but the ultimate aim behind it will be the money, which is devil.  I won't say you don't need money.  Money is necessary; but the unnecessary way to make money creates troubles and the makes unbalance of life.  Now-a-days people want to make money, without making efforts.  The best example I could say, chain marketing.  Lots of people attracts and becoming prey of this chain marketing.  When the agent explains, you will imagine, within a month or more you could earn so much money without making much efforts.  But ultimately you need to work for it.  Who is winning at the end, not you.  The brain behind this chain marketing wins.  Government, they never make a rule to stop or collect tax from this extra income. What if you use that effort to make benefit of your life and the community?  Yes, if you think that way, you could make real change to the world.
    For parents: become good teachers at your school and for children, run for truth and find for good manners.  Money is not the solution for all. 

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