I read somewhere, the success of current social network model is because some one's eager/curiosity to look into others life. That means people doesn't want to look at their own life instead they are eager to see what is happening on others. At the same time they are eager to show what they have. If we take a look at this in a different way, it is a kind of jealous. You are jealous about what other have and not you have. If someone shows something over the social networks, you are also trying to imitate the same thing, same way. Especially like Facebook, if others get more "like" or "comments" you also will have that jealous grows much higher to grab attention from others. So for that you will do anything. Recently, I read a line in Facebook written on someone's wall and it is public; "Don't steal my food". Actually both are siblings and staying in one house. Why don't they talk each other? Why to expose those things, whether it is for funny or not, to public's attention? It's all because, almost all of us are attention seekers. It's a common thing we see currently. Whether it is between husband and wife, siblings, relatives, in office everywhere this phenomenon is there.
Old days, people were very much secret about their life. They like to be known each other within their family; not to public and unknown peoples. Now-a-days, unknown people have more importants than families and relatives. No more secret life. The way social network grabbed current world, someone even ready to post their last night's exotic moments with their loved ones. No more secrets in personal life. Everything is revealed. No time to talk over the phone, but lot of time to chat in internet, share, buzz, comments etc. Share your good things, not bad things.
What social networks brings to us? Best ever advantage I found is, meet my old school & college mates and renew those friendship and keep those old memories. If 100 good things are exists that much bad things are exists. Like common talk, it is easy to become a criminal and it is very hard to become a good man. People always notices and learn the wrong side first. The best example I would say; if you are in a new country or place, where they talk different language, unknown to you, you will first learn bad words of their language. The same way, people simply get attracted with the bad things that spreads faster than anything in internet.
Now a days, a lunch with friends are mostly ended up as a formality. Many times I saw, they meet at restaurants, say hi and find their seats then starts typing in their mobiles. They revealing where they are and with whom, the purpose etc. When they ordered, they may even publish the order menu, items, foods etc. Then also they don't stop this action. They continue to be chatting with their gadgets to internet. Not to those who are physically presented. In fact, if 5 people met to have lunch / dinner around table, all of them might be more talkative in the internet than face-to-face. Another day, I saw similar incident. A family came to restaurant; they have 3 daughters. Ordered something and while eating only parents talks each other. None of their daughters talk. They are very much dedicated in their gadgets; they were playing games and shouting and fighting each other like their house. The relationship between family, friends etc are becoming very much loosly wrapped in this "social network" days. No one have time to talk; no one have interested to listen from where they supposed to be; but they are much interested to be "posted", "shared", "liked" and "commented" from unknown peoples.
Social networks are good, if we use it wisely. Otherwise it is very dangerous. Be safe, be wise, use it wisely, keep your secrets as secrets. Look at yourself, not to others life.